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The Top 5 Ways School Counselors Can Support Teachers
The counselor is an essential Partner for teachers. A professional counselor is a very valuable asset who can fulfill students’ needs and maximize their academic achievements. Several ways can be utilized by counselors for solving problems that may interfere with students’ success at their college. Here are 5 tips for teachers to help them maximize their partnerships with counselors.
Call on counselors to help you understand the whole student. When teachers notice red flags, such as behavioral issues or grades, counselors are prepared to help teachers gain a more complete understanding of the issues behind the actions and advise them in different ways to achieve their education and success goals. When teachers find themselves stuck with strategies that aren’t working with a particular student, a counselor who is trained to problem-solve can help them gain fresh ideas for solving problems.

A Counselor helps students to tackle problems before they become insurmountable and guide students on their decision-making process. When teachers sense trouble class, brewing in language or behavior that causes them anxiety, they should talk with a counselor who can help troubleshoot and prevent a situation from escalating. When students act out repeatedly in class, teachers should inform a counselor who can work with them on decision making.
Counselors can be very helpful for the teacher regarding their child reframing the situation and illustrate how different behaviors might be in their best interest. A counselor sometimes works with teachers to teach lessons about academics, careers, and personal/social issues. These lessons are preventive by design and developmental to help students with their decision-making in school. For example, a lesson about bullying and harassment in a civics class could be paired with a project on laws about harassment.